• 实习手册 Traning manual

    责任编辑:张洪博第一部分开封市历史悠久,坐落在黄河沿岸,黄河及其支流的历史演变对开封市的形成与发展有着重要的影响。Kaifeng has a long history and is located along the Yellow River. The historical evolution of the Yellow River and its tributaries has an important influence on the formation and development of Kaifeng.图1.1 黄河和开封的关系图Fig. 1.1 relationship between the Yellow River and Kaifen...


  • Invited Reporters in “Flying Dreams” International Summer Camp

    ​责任编辑:张洪博报 告 人: 李小建 教授 河南大学Reporter: Xiaojian Li, Professor, Henan University报告题目:中国特色的经济地理学研究Title: Economic geography research with Chinese characteristic报告人简介:李小建,国际欧亚科学院院士,长期从事经济地理学和区域发展等方面的教学和研究。首批入选国家“百千万人才工程”,国家有突出贡献中青年专家,国务院特殊津贴获得者。主持国家自然与社科基金9项,国际合作...


  • 2019 "flying dreams" geography international summer camp opening ceremony agenda

    责任编辑:张洪博时间:2019年7月11日 上午9:00-10:00地点:环境与规划学院二楼报告厅主持人:环境与规划学院常务副院长乔家君教授参加人员:研究生院常务副院长 苗 琛 国际交流处副处长 张 波学院班子成员:李小建 冯兆东 苗长虹 刘刚军 张朝生 陈友民 Dr Liam​一、 河南大学副校长刘志军教授致欢迎辞二、 欧亚科学院院士李小建教授讲话三、 学生代表讲话四、 全体合影 Time: 9:00-10:00am, July 11, 2019Location: lecture ...


  • Subject Material

    Human Geography​Facing the frontier of international economic geography theory, around the "The Belt and Road " strategic needs and characteristics of the development of practice in China, take the industrial transfer and environmental effects, new urbanization and city agglomeration, spatial agglomeration and industrial clusters, regional difference and coordinated development as the core, co...


  • Cartography and Geographical Information Systems Graduates Training Program of Department of Environment and Planning

    One、Subject Name and Subject CodeSubject name: Cartography and Geographical Information Systems(GIS)Subject code:070503Two、Professional IntroductionCartography and Geographic Information System (GIS) is an important branch of geography.It is a new, cross-cutting and applied discipline that emerged in the context of the age of information technology. The field includes theory, technology, ma...


  • The master graduate training program of natural geography in College of Environment and Planning

    The master graduate training program of natural geography in College of Environment and Planning 1. Subject name and professional codeSubject name:Physical Geographyprofessional code:0705012. Professional introductionNatural geography takes the earth surface, that is, the natural geographical environment as the research object, and makes a comprehensive study of the various elements of the na...


  • Training program for doctoral graduate students in natural geography

    Training program for doctoral graduate students in natural geography 1.Subject name and professional codeSubject name:Physical Geographyprofessional code:0705012.Professional introductionNatural geography takes the earth surface, that is, the natural geographical environment as the research object, and makes a comprehensive study of the various elements of the natural geographical environme...


  • Physical Geography and Resource Environment

    ​(1)Training objectivesThis specialty is trained with innovative spirit and practical ability. It has a comprehensive development in virtue, intelligence, body and beauty. It has a solid theoretical basis in the fields of natural geography, natural resources and environment, strong planning and management ability, basic theories of modern management and economics, and basic skills in measure...


  • Network Engineering (Smart City)

     1.Major TrainingObjectives and Requirements(1)Training ObjectivesCultivate the comprehensive senior professionals who master basic theories of spatial information science and practical technologies of network engineering, and can apply their acquired theoretical knowledge and skills of spatial information technology, network planning and design, network operations management and performance ...


  • Human Geography and Urban and Rural Planning

    1.Goals and Requirements for Major Training(1)Goals for TrainingThe kinds of high-quality talents should be cultivated as the all-round development in morality, intelligence and physique; master the basic knowledge, fundamental theories and skills of human geography and urban-rural planning; possess abilities to discover problems; analyze problems creatively and solve problems; possess abilit...


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