Focus on energy structure and build beautiful countryside
News Author: heart Jinbing Yan Chen Hui
A group of 8 members of the Beautiful China Practice Group, “Exploring Rural Energy Consumption and Promoting Beautiful Rural Development”, School of Environment and Planning, Henan University, went to Lilin Town, Shaoyuan Town, Kejing Town, Jiyuan City, Henan Province from July 14 to 18. In 8 villages in 6 towns, a 5-day field survey of rural energy consumption was conducted. During the five-day survey, the team members learned about the basic cooking energy structure in the villagers' homes, popularized the new energy-related knowledge to the villagers, and also introduced the villager ’s financial assistance to undergraduates from families in financial difficulties in Henan University during the survey. Villagers with heavy economic burdens in the family understand that receiving higher education in today's society is no longer a commonplace, and the state and schools will also help in these areas.