Junyong Li

2018-05-18 12:39

Contact information

E-mail: lijunyong0309@vip.henu.edu.cn

Tel: 0371-23881856

Research interests:

Global change and Seedbank of terrestrial ecosystems

Biodiversity and Species regeneration

Soil ecology


2010 - 2016, Lanzhou University, Plant Ecology, Ph.D.

2006 - 2010, Lanzhou University, Biotechnology, BS


Work experience:

2016 - Postdoctoral fellow, College of environment and planning, Henan University  

Research projects:

The underlining mechanism of shrubs influencing tree seedlings establishment among different forest ecosystem (2017M622335, funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation), 2018-2019, PI

The above- and belowground pathways of shrubs influencing tree seedlings establishment among different forest ecosystem (funded by Henan Postdoctoral Science Foundation), 2018-2019, PI



1. Li J, Zhang C, Yang Z, et al. Grazing and fertilization influence plant species richness via direct and indirect pathways in an alpine meadow of the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Grass & Forage Science, 2016, 72(2):343-354.

2. Zhang C, Willis C G, Klein J A, Li J, et al. Recovery of plant species diversity during long-term experimental warming of a species-rich alpine meadow community on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. Biological Conservation, 2017, 213:218-224.

3. Hu J, Chen G R, Hassan W M, Li J, et al. Fertilization influences the nematode community through changing the plant community in the Tibetan Plateau. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2017, 78:7-16.

4. Liu Y, Lin M, Li J, et al. Resource availability differentially drives community assemblages of plants and their root-associated arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Plant & Soil, 2015, 386(1-2):341-355.

5. Zhang P, Zhou X, Li J, et al. Space resource utilisation: a novel indicator to quantify species competitive ability for light. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:16832.

6. Ma Z, Ma M, Baskin J M, Li J, et al. Responses of alpine meadow seed bank and vegetation to nine consecutive years of soil fertilization. Ecological Engineering, 2014, 70(9):92-101.