Editor : He XiaYan

"What the country needs, I will."In 2020, at a critical time in the fight against COVID-19, the Faculty of Environment and Planning has such a group of students who are "the contrarian".At the call of the Party and the state, we have chosen to swim against the tide, signed up to participate in local epidemic prevention and control work, and made full use of our pioneering and exemplary role in the frontline of epidemic prevention and control.Xu Jianghao Zhou Jiaxin, li zhe, MouXinYi, rebekah, guan-hong Chen, fan jiaolong, li Yang, in addition, there are 2019 graduate Wang Ruimeng, Cheng Hao, grade 2018 undergraduate Liu Qihang, shao smiled, KouJingWen, Wang Sen, Song Keyao, grade 2019 undergraduate michelle-hx true such as college students, is also actively involved in the hometown of the epidemic prevention and control work, thumb up for them!