Shenglei Fu

2018-05-18 11:11



Shenglei Fu







Ph D1999 ,Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, USA

M.S. 1991 South China Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences

B.S. 1988Hunan Normal University, China


Research areas include: 1) interactions between above- and belowground processes during ecosystem restoration; 2) responses of soil biodiversity to environmental changes; 3) soil biota as indicators of ecosystem health;4 )mechanisms of invasive soil fauna.


l 02/2016-present Professor. College of Environment and Planning,Henan University,China

l 07/2004-02/2016   Professor. Institute of Ecology, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

l 04/2002-06/2004   Project Scientist. Department of Nematology, University of California, Davis, USA.

l 01/2000-03/2002   Post-doctoral fellow. Dept of Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA.

l 09/1996-12/1999   Research assistant (for Ph. D). Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, USA.

l 10/1995-08/1996   Research Associate. South China Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

l 09/1994-09/1995 Visiting scientist. International Institute of Tropical Forestry, Puerto Rico. USDA, Forest Service.

l 08/1991-08/1994   Research assistant. South China Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Editor in chief: Soil Ecology Letters

Associate Editor: Biodiversity Sciences, Journal of Plant Ecology

Subject editor: Soil Biology & Biochemistry


1) Shao YH, Zhang WX, Eisenhauer N, Liu T, Xiong YM, Liang CF, Fu SL*. 2017. Nitrogen deposition cancels out exotic earthworm effects on plant-feeding nematode communities. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY, 86(4),708-717.

2) Lv MR, Shao YH, Lin YB, and Fu SL*et al. 2016. Plants modify the effects of earthworms on the soil microbial community and its activity in a subtropical ecosystem. SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY, 103: 446-451.

3) Zhang CL, Li XW, Chen YQ, Fu SL et al. 2016. Effects of Eucalyptus litter and roots on the establishment of native tree species in Eucalyptus plantations in South China.FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. 375: 76-83 .

4) Shao YH, Wang XL, Zhao J, Wu JP, Zhang WX, Neher DA, Li YX, Lou YP, Fu SL*. Subordinate plants sustain the complexity and stability of soil microfood webs in natural bamboo forest ecosystems. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2015 Doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12538.

5) Zhao J, Faming Wang, Jian Li, Bi Zou, Xiaoli Wang, Zhian Li*,Shenglei Fu*. Effects of experimental nitrogen and/or phosphorus additions on soil nematode communities in a secondary tropical forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 75, 1-10.

6) Zhang, WX., Hendrix, PF., Dame, LE., Burke, RA., Wu, JP., Neher, DA., Li, JX., Shao, YH., Fu, SL*. 2013. Earthworms facilitate carbon sequestration through unequal amplification of carbon stabilization compared with mineralization. Nature Communications, 4, pp 1-9.

7) Chen, DM., Zhang, CL., Wu, JP., Zhou, LX., Lin, YB., Fu, SL*. 2011. Subtropical plantations are large carbon sinks: Evidence from two monoculture plantations in South China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 151(9), pp 1214-1225.

8) Wu JP, Liu ZF, Wang XL, Sun YX, Zhou LX, Lin YB, Fu SL*.2011. Effects of understory removal and tree girdling on soil microbial community composition and litter decomposition in two Eucalyptus plantations in South China. Functional Ecology, 25(4): 921-931.

9) Zhang WX, Hendrix PF, Snyder BA, Molina M, Li JX, Rao XQ, Siemann E, Fu SL*. 2010. Dietary flexibility aids Asian earthworm invasion in North American forests. Ecology, 91(7): 2070-2079

10) Fu SL, Zou XM, Coleman D, 2009. Highlights and perspectives of soil biology and ecology research in China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 41(5): 868-8764.