Invited Reporters in “Flying Dreams” International Summer Camp

2019-07-14 12:59


: 李小建 教授 河南大学

Reporter: Xiaojian Li, Professor, Henan University


Title: Economic geography research with Chinese characteristic


Xiaojian Li is an academician of the international Eurasian academy of sciences and has been engaged in teaching and research of economic geography and regional development. He is entrant of national "hundred million talents project", a young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions to the country, and a recipient of special allowance from the state council. Li has presided over 9 national natural and social science funds, 22 international cooperation and provincial and ministerial projects, published 266 academic papers at home and abroad, published 20 kinds of works, and won 6 provincial and ministerial first prizes. His works have been cited for 9,051 times (2016.8.11), ranking top in the academic circle of economic geography in China. The economic geography edited by him won the first prize of national excellent teaching material for colleges and universities. Academic contributions include: first, the establishment of China's corporate geography. Leading company geography to become a new direction of China's economic geography. Second, the geographical study of peasant households was explored. "The theory of rural household land" is called "an important contribution to the development of spatial structure theory of geography" by academician lu daoism. His research on county economic differences is one of the most cited papers during the 80 years since the foundation of the geographical journal.

: 冯兆东 教授 河南大学

Reporter: Zhaodong Feng, Professor, Henan University


Title: Physical geography as an earth science

报告人简介:冯兆东,长江学者,国家杰出青年获得者。1992年毕业于美国堪萨斯大学,获地理学博士学位。曾任美国蒙特可莱大学教授,中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所特聘研究员。教育部创新团队“新疆干旱区生态和水文系统对气候的响应”团队带头人,曾先后三次获国家基金委重点项目支持。2006年获蒙特可莱大学“杰出学者奖”。《Journal of Arid Land》期刊执行主编。在国际会议上报告62次,其中特邀报告18次。长期从事自然地理学以及全球变化、旱区生态水文、地貌与第四纪地质领域的研究与教学工作,在气候变化和旱区现代环境过程研究领域成果丰硕。发表学术论文220多篇(其中SCI论文109篇,EI论文36篇),中文专著4本,主编两卷《Quaternary International》,主编六卷《Journal of Arid Land》。

Zhaodong Feng is a Changjiang scholar and a winner of national outstanding youth fund. He received his doctorate in geography from the University of Kansas in 1992. He was a professor at montclair university in the United States and a distinguished researcher at the xinjiang institute of ecology and geography, Chinese academy of sciences. He was the leader of the innovation team of the ministry of education, "ecological and hydrological system response to climate in the arid region of xinjiang", and has been supported by key projects of the national fund committee for three times. In 2006, Professor Feng won the "outstanding scholar award" of monticello university. He is the executive editor of the Journal of Arid Land. He has long been engaged in the research and teaching of physical geography and global change, ecological hydrology, geomorphology and quaternary geology in arid areas, and has made fruitful achievements in the research of climate change and modern environmental processes in arid areas. He has published more than 220 academic papers (including 109 SCI papers and 36 EI papers), 4 monographs in Chinese, and edited two volumes of Quaternary International and six volumes of Journal of Arid Land.

: 傅声雷 教授 河南大学

Reporter: Shenglei Fu, Professor, Henan University


Title: Ecological functions of understory vegetation and soil animals

报告人简介:傅声雷,国家杰出青年基金获得者,博士生导师。1999年于美国University of Georgia获得生态学博士学位,2000-2004年先后在美国University of California的Santa Cruz和Davis分校从事博士后研究工作,在美国期间,曾作为主要科学家参加了两项美国国家自然科学基金(NSF)和一项美国农业部USDA)的项目。留美期间已发表SCI论文14篇,其中5篇发表在农林学科的一类期刊上。2009年获得国家杰出青年科学基金”, 2014年入选国家百千万人才工程,授予有突出贡献中青年专家称号。2015年获得广东省科学技术一等奖。享受国务院政府津贴。担任土壤生态学权威期刊“Soil Biology & Biochemistry”“Journal of Plant Ecology”“Ecological Processes”,《生物多样性》等副主编。国家科学技术奖评审专家,国家自然科学基金委员会专家评审组成员。

Shenglei Fu is a winner of national outstanding youth fund and a doctoral supervisor. He received his doctoral degree in ecology from the University of Georgia in 1999 and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Santa Cruz and the University of Davis from 2000 to 2004. During his stay in the United States, he published 14 SCI papers, 5 of which have been published in first-class journals of agriculture and forestry. In 2009, he was awarded the "national science foundation for outstanding youth". In 2014, he was selected into the "national hundred million talents project" and was awarded the title of "young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions". In 2015, he won the first prize of science and technology of guangdong province. Professor Fu is also the deputy editor of the authoritative Journal of Soil Biology & Biochemistry, Journal of Plant Ecology, Ecological Processes, biodiversity, etc. He is an expert in the evaluation of the state science and technology awards and a member of the expert evaluation group of the national natural science foundation of China.

报 告 人: 苗长虹 教授 河南大学

Reporter: Changhong Miao, Professor, Henan University


Title: yellow river civiliaztion

报告人简介:苗长虹,中组部、中宣部“万人计划”第一批哲学社会科学领军人才,河南省特聘教授,现为教育部人文社科重点研究基地“河南大学黄河文明与可持续发展研究中心”执行主任、“黄河文明传承与现代文明建设河南省协同创新中心”副主任,中国地理学会经济地理专业委员会副主任,中国地理学会黄河分会副主任兼秘书长,国际区域研究协会(RSA)中国分会副理事长。2006 年入选中宣部“四个一批”人才(理论界)工程。主持国家自然科学基金重点项目等国家及省部级课题20余项,在《Eurasian Geography and Economics》等国内外权威期刊发表论文100余篇,出版著作近20部。主持的《经济地理学》入选国家精品课程。

Changhong Miao is a distinguished professor of henan province and the executive director of the "the Yellow River civilization and the sustainable development research center of henan university". He is also the deputy directors of the geographical society of China, the economic geography, geographical society of China and secretary-general. In 2006, he was selected into the "four first batch" project of the publicity department of the CPC central committee. He has presided over 20 national, provincial and ministerial-level projects such as key projects of national natural science foundation of China, published over 100 papers in prestigious journals at home and abroad such as Eurasian Geography and Economics, and published nearly 20 works. The book "economic geography" written by him was selected as a national quality course.

: 张朝生 高级讲师 爱尔兰国立大学

Reporter: Chaosheng Zhang, Senior lecturer, National University of Ireland

TitleNew Opportunities for Environmental Data Analyses in the Big Data Era


Chaosheng Zhang holds a bachelor's degree from Peking University and a doctor's degree from the institute of geography, Chinese academy of sciences. He is currently director of the international network for environment and health, school of geography and archaeology, national university of Ireland (Galway), co-chair of the international society of medical geology, and former President of the society for environmental geochemistry and health. His research fields involve environmental geoscience, geographic information system and spatial statistics, and he is unique in the quantitative characterization and spatial analysis of environmental data. His research results are in the international forefront. He has been engaged in research work in Sweden, the United States, Australia, Jamaica and other countries, and has rich international research experience. He has published more than 150 SCI papers, and has initiated and organized the influential international symposium on environment and health (ISEH) conference series.

: 刘钢军 高级讲师 墨尔本皇家理工大学

Reporter: Gangjun Liu, Senior lecturer, Royal Melbourne institute of technology (RMIT)


Title: The acquisition, analysis and application of geographical data

报告人简介: 现任墨尔本皇家理工大学(RMIT University) 地理信息科学高级讲师,从事基于地理系统的空间分析、空间统计分析及人文地理学的教学、研究、及博士、硕士、及本科毕业生的研究论文指导工作。自1990年代起,先后获莫纳什大学(Monash University) 博士学位,任职于澳大利亚维多利亚州(Australia, Victoria) 自然资源与环境部,从事地理信息系统和遥感应用研究,开发了澳洲第一个全州(维多利亚州 )高分辨率数字高程模型,开展了一系列基于数字高程模型的应用研究,包括流域土壤湿度分布模拟、流域水土保持规划、和成果已作为联邦政府立法依据的濒危野生物种生境适宜性评价研究。他目前的研究重点是“数字地理空间信息技术的开发及其在城市和区域可持续发展中的应用”,包括空间可达性分析及其在评价、优化社区公平性和城乡宜居性等方面的应用研究。

Currently, Gangjun Liu is a senior lecturer in geographic information science at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is engaged in the teaching and research of spatial analysis, spatial statistical analysis and human geography based on geographical system, and the guidance of research papers of doctoral, master and undergraduate students. Since the 1990 s, he was awarded a doctorate in Monash University (Monash University), in the Australian state of Victoria (Australia, Victoria) natural resources and environment, engaged in geographic information system and remote sensing application research. He developed the first Australian state (Victoria) high resolution digital elevation model, which has carried out a series of application research based on digital elevation model. The results include simulation of watershed soil moisture distribution, watershed soil and water conservation planning, and habitat suitability assessment studies of endangered wild species which have been the legislative basis of the federal government. His current research focuses on "the development of digital geospatial information technology and its application in urban and regional sustainable development", including spatial accessibility analysis and its application in evaluation, optimization of community equity and urban-rural livability.

: 胡世雄 副教授 美国宾西法尼亚州立大学

Reporter: Shixiong Hu, Associate professor, Penn state university


Title: Hydrologic Application of GIS

报告人简介:胡世雄,1996-1998年在中国科学院地理研究所获理学博士学位; 2001-2004 年在美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校获取博士学位; 2004年秋至今,目前担任美国宾西法尼亚州立大学地理系系主任,水文研究室主任和GIS/RS实验室主任。2006至今先后被聘为清华大学、四川大学客座教授、长沙理工大学特聘教授和中国科学院陆地水循环和地表过程重点实验室客座研究员。2009年被湖南省政府选聘为首批百人计划入选者。开展了坡面流阻力以及模块化分布式水文模型的研究,在研究建立适合中国陡坡地、人类开发利用强度大的流域水文模型方面有很大进展,对洞庭湖-湘江流域的社会生产实践活动提供了强有力的科学指导;结合随机水力学的研究积累,在无观测资料的流域如何进行过程模拟和有观测资料的大流域水文的集对分析方面有明显进展,在国际一流刊物《Earth Surface Processes and Landform》,《International Journal of GIS》,《Hydrologic Processes 》,《水利学报》等刊物上发表了多篇论文在国内外产生较大学术影响。

Shixiong Hu received his doctorate of science from the institute of geography, Chinese academy of sciences from 1996 to 1998. From 2001 to 2004, he obtained his doctoral degree at the state university of New York at buffalo. From the fall of 2004 to the present, he is the chairman of the department of geography, director of the hydrology laboratory and director of the GIS/RS laboratory at Pennsylvania state university. Since 2006, he has been employed as visiting professors of Tsinghua University, Sichuan University, a distinguished professor of Changsha University of science and technology, and a visiting researcher of key laboratory of terrestrial water cycle and surface process of Chinese academy of sciences. In 2009, He was selected by Hunan provincial government as one of the first batch of 100 candidates. The research on slope flow resistance and modular distributed hydrological model has been carried out, and great progress has been made in the establishment of a hydrological model suitable for China's steep slopes and highly intensive human development and utilization, which provides strong scientific guidance for social production and practice activities in the Dongting lake-xiangjiang river basin. Combined with stochastic hydraulics research accumulation, great progress has been made in how to process with the observation data of set pair analysis of large watershed hydrology in the absence of the observation data of basin simulation. He has published many papers in the International first-class publications of the Earth Surface the Processes and Landform ", "International Journal of GIS, the Hydrologic the Processes".

: 陈友民 教授 河南大学

Reporter: Youmin Chen, Professor, Henan University


Title: Climate system, climate change and climate model simulation

报告人简介:陈友民,河南大学“黄河学者”特聘教授。曾就职于挪威Bjerknes气候研究中心(Uni Climate &Bjerknes Centrefor Climate Research, Norway),德国波茨坦气候影响研究所、瑞典哥德堡大学、德国马普生物地球化学研究所、美国俄克拉荷马大学空间分析中心等机构。长期从事气候环境模拟、气候情景预测等研究工作,熟悉应用WRF(weather research and forecast)模型、卫星遥感数据同化、降尺度等工具和方法,现研究全球模型EC-Earth。

Chen youmin is a distinguished professor of Yellow River scholar. He has been working at Bjerknes Centrefor Climate Research (Uni Climate &Bjerknes Centrefor Climate Research, Norway), Potsdam institute for Climate impact Research in Germany, the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, Max Planck institute for biogeochemistry in Germany and the center for space analysis at the University of Oklahoma in the United States. He have been engaged in the research work of climate environment simulation and climate scenario prediction for a long time, and familiar with the application of WRF(weather research and forecast) model, satellite remote sensing data assimilation, scale reduction and other tools and methods. Now he is studying a global model, ec-earth.

: Dr. Liam Carr 讲师 爱尔兰国立大学

Reporter: Dr. Liam Carr, Lecturer, National University of Ireland

Title: 1)Advancements in Consensus-Based Research; 2) Roles of Science and Stakeholders in Community Development

报告人简介利亚姆·卡尔,环境地理学家,2012年,他在德克萨斯农工大学获得地理博士学位。主要研究海洋资源管理,专注于海洋空间规划。他研究政策如何影响依赖于健康状况的自然资源的社区和经济。2015年,他以美国富布赖特访问学者的身份开始在爱尔兰国立大学(戈尔韦)学习,担任海岸和海洋环境理学硕士班(MSc in Coastal and Marine environment)的讲师和协调员。他目前的研究领域包括衡量利益相关者的观点和爱尔兰三文鱼养殖业的政策,旅游业对沿野性大西洋之路的爱尔兰农村的影响,以及沿海社区的环境伦理。

Liam carr is an environmental geographer who obtained his doctorate in geography from Texas a&m university in 2012. He mainly studied Marine resource management and focused on Marine space planning. He studied how policies affect communities and economies that depend on natural resources for health. In 2015, he began his studies at the national university of Ireland (Galway) as a Fulbright visiting scholar in the United States, working as a lecturer and coordinator of the MSc in Coastal and Marine environment. His current research areas include measuring stakeholder perspectives and policies for Irish salmon farming, the impact of tourism on rural Ireland along the wild Atlantic road, and environmental ethics in coastal communities.

: 付品德 高级工程师 美国环境系统研究所

Reporter: Pinde Fu, Senior engineer, Environment Systems Research Institute of America.

报告题目:Web GIS: 当地理和互联网相遇

Title: Web GIS: When geography and the Internet meet

报告人简介:2000年于美国堪萨斯大学获博士学位,现任美国环境系统研究所公司(Esri)应用开发部项目主管,平台工程部经理,高级应用开发工程师,互联网地理信息系统专家,美国哈佛大学、Redlands大学和河南大学兼职教授。曾任国际华人地理信息科学协会(CPGIS)主席和理事会主任,并曾在加州大学、加州州立大学、和德克萨斯等大学兼职。其《Getting to Know Web GIS》和《Web GIS原理与技术》等专著被80多所大学采用为教材。其项目曾获得美国技术委员会的Excellence.gov奖和Esri国际用户会议特别成就奖。

Pinde Fu received his PhD from the University of Kansas in 2000. He is currently the project director, platform engineering manager, senior application development engineer, Internet geographic information system expert, adjunct professor at Harvard University, Redlands University and Henan University. He has served as President and board director of the international Chinese association for geographic information science (CPGIS), and has held part-time positions at the University of California, California state University, and the University of Texas. His monographs "Getting to Know Web GIS" and "principles and technologies of Web GIS" have been adopted as teaching materials by more than 80 universities. His program received the Excellence. Gov award from the U.S. technical council and the Esri international user conference special achievement award.